By John - 24/06/2011 07:17 - United States

Today, I had my anus probed twice by two different doctors. I was diagnosed with hemorrhoids. I'm a 22 year old guy and have to schedule a colonoscopy for next week. I guess there's a first time for everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 124
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see people in their 20's with hemorrhoids regularly. It isn't as uncommon as you think. When the colonoscopy gets done, make sure you bring the wine and candles. It's a very romantic occasion.

Too bad the doctor didn't also rub the prostate. I hear it's equivalent to the females G-Spot ;)


sourgirl101 28

I would say the answer is, yes.

Let's be honest here. This may have been a first for a hemorrhoid but this wasn't the first time you had something stuck up your ass was it?

sourgirl101 28

Are you afraid that it's going to hurt or are you afraid that it's NOT going to hurt? lol

milly_wonka 4

hope everything goes well in your next appointment OP :)

I clinch my butt together as I read this- on the bright side- at least your penis wasn't probed!

You scare me, so ******* much.... O_o

hoopster42 0

you had to get ANALyzed, haha don't act like you didn't like it.

I had my first colonoscopy when I was 14... thank you Crohn's Disease!...

beckxbecc 3

exactly!! my first was on my 14th birthday. diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, happy birthday to me! the procedure isn't the bad part, its the tons of nasty stuff you have to drink to make you shit. you could always have your colon removed, lose 5 lbs and never have to worry about colonoscopies or that nasty stuff again thats what i did. although you do get stuck with other health issues too instead....

a_nutritionist 10

...have your colon removed...? uh...? why would you undergo major surgery like having your entire colon removed because you have haemmorhoids? and im assuming since you had it done you went through major diet and lifestyle changes with a dietician, lifestyle counsellor and GP, hell even a naturopath, before attempting surgery right?

what do you understand by colonoscopy? i hope it's a joke, because if it isn't i will fly to wherever you are, track you down and bitchslap you so hard, you won't be able to turn to your mother ******* right side!

omg I was diagnosed with that this April... they told me the colonoscopy would be ok and I'll feel fine afterwards but I was super miserable /:

you dont get ur colin removed with crohns cause it come back

Crohns can smd. I was diagnosed in April 2006 on my birthday when I turned 11 (I'm 16 now) and I just recently had my sixth colonoscopy.

I'm being treated for crohns disease too - getting my third colonoscopy in august:/

cruforlife 5

Fellow crohn's patients!!! I just got diagnosed in october:/ I had ulcerative colitis first though, which caused me to lose sixty pounds in like three months because of malnutrition.... I just turned 19 too, and am still getting set up with a gastroenterologist(sp?) :( it made my first semester of

I've been there more then once. They put you in a twilight sleep and let you know not to be alarmed if you wake up during the procedure. That part never happened to me. The worst part is the day before.

To much information..... Don't ya think....?

welcome to the club. I share your pain