By John - 24/06/2011 07:17 - United States

Today, I had my anus probed twice by two different doctors. I was diagnosed with hemorrhoids. I'm a 22 year old guy and have to schedule a colonoscopy for next week. I guess there's a first time for everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 124
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see people in their 20's with hemorrhoids regularly. It isn't as uncommon as you think. When the colonoscopy gets done, make sure you bring the wine and candles. It's a very romantic occasion.

Too bad the doctor didn't also rub the prostate. I hear it's equivalent to the females G-Spot ;)


tenchi20 1

nope buddy not the first time had to do that myself the prep work sux hard stop sitting on the toilet for so long

I actually had this same issue around the same age (I'm 27 now) and it really is unpleasant. I skipped the colonoscopy though.

Quoting Chelsea from two and a half men... "all I get is a glass of wine and a pretty please".

Nezuri 5

that's ok. you're not alone! my bf is also 22 and had to get a colonoscopy because he had hemorrhoids. sucks to be you guys! ;P.

ckjacques53198 0

Haha colonoscopies suck. I've had 4; each one worse than the last. But on the bright side.. oh wait.

How about this for a bright side: You haven't had a foot of large intestine removed based on the findings. The only thing worse than dying, is dying of embarrassment.

Can someone please tell me what exactly a colonoscopy is?

lol i can feel you... i am in the exact same situation as you.. -.- i thought that kind of stuff only happens to gay guys, but it doesnt.. fml too

I'm a 23 yr old woman and i have to have an endoscopy and a colonoscopy...stop bein a baby! lol