By Brian - 04/05/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I had my first real meeting with my girlfriend's parents. We had dinner at a pretty upscale restaurant and everything was going great. When the check came, I offered to pay and I stood up to take out my wallet. When I opened it, 3 condoms fell out on the table in front of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 545
You deserved it 64 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who put those condoms in my wallet?

ydi, for not listening to your high school sex ed teacher when they told you that keeping condoms in your wallet can cause them to be exposed to higher temperatures and/or weird conditions that affect their effectiveness.


Haha ouch! Why so many condoms? The one in your wallet is suppose to be back up. You should keep them at ur/her place sense that's where you'll most likely be needing them

alex_vik 0

You carry 3 condoms around?

Amen to #9, #11, and #12. Holy crap, man, there is no way you can justify 3 condoms in a wallet. Even if you could, the condoms alone would make your wallet so thick to guarantee serious back problems from sitting on it

Three condoms is more than enough for a her dad/her mom/you threesome. You should've asked.

Salmonus 0

Agree w/ #6 - not a great idea to keep condoms in your wallet. The constant heat can make them, um, not work.

1known_fml 8

Don't be embarassed. It's not the best way but at least you proved to be a responsible man. If you're serious with this girl, you'll stop using them. But before do use them: one doesn't know who you (or her) have dated before and you are not going to get her pregnant without both of you wanting it.

Don't you know its unsafe to carry condoms in your wallet. Tsk Tsk