By Username - 20/07/2010 04:57 - France

Today, I had the rehearsal for two of my friends' wedding. My ex-husband is also in the wedding, and I just found out we have to walk down the aisle together 'for height reasons'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 857
You deserved it 3 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heretonever 0

I don't know why people are being so harsh to the op. She's obviously putting up with it and not complaining to her friends because she knows its their day and doesn't want to ruin it. But that doesn't mean it doesn't suck, thats why she's just complaining on here. Yeah, its unfair of her friends to do that. Its not just about a few minutes walking, its also the fact that they are walking down the aisle together, which is bound to bring up shitty memories of their marriage, and like other people said, they will probably have to spend more time than that together. The fact she's complaining at all says that she obviously has enough issues with her ex that its really not going to be a pleasant experience. And yeah, its not her place to complain, and she isn't (to her friends), but they should've been at least a little considerate. I've never understood why people seem to think getting married gives people an excuse to do whatever they want without consideration for others.

RobotStrut 7

Ohhh God, that really is awful, haha. At least it will give you time to make amends? Hahaha!


Just be civil and handle it with grace. You'll get through it.

toast1b 0

They are trying to set y'all up again

karmaslave 5

These friends are stupid. After the wedding more people will talk/gossip about how awkward the aisle walk was because she paired the exes than if there had been height-disparency. Sounds like the OP's just going to bite her tongue and get it done though - well done.

Janedoe6 0

omg this fml was posted twiceee

SapphireSympathy 7

oooh o.0 maybe its a sign!!! get re-married!!! haha jk ;)

Thank God my ex isn't invited to the weddings of any of my bffs. There would be police and an ambulance involved.

I think these friends are very selfish and thoughtless, and that will be obvious to everyone when they see the two of them walking down the aisle together. I think, however, that graciousness on the part of the OP is the best course of action if she just can't get Bridezilla to reconsider. It is possible to rise above others' ghastly behavior, and this is IMO nearly always the best way to go. And once the wedding is over, I hope OP will look very carefully at how close a friend she wants to be to this couple.

I don't remember who said it but I agree with the camp of "bride is being a bit insensitive and I'm glad the OP is just venting on the internet and I don't believe she'll cause an immature scene on the big day". I just wanted to say I put this in my favourites for the utter awkwardness of the OP's situation here.