By ven980 - 01/06/2011 21:21 - United States

Today, I had to blow up an air mattress using only my lungs. After nearly passing out from lack of oxygen, I realized there was a hole in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 845
You deserved it 29 523

Same thing different taste


Guys guys, dont be so hard. Its really hard to tell if there is a hole in a blow up matress!

SapphireSympathy 7

I know there was a hole in it but... other than that air mattresses are hard as shit to blow up, trust me, I was stupid enough to try... It must've been made with balloons

alltimekyle 6

You actually pass out from a lack of CO2, not oxygen. Just a fun fact.

No, you pass out from lack of O2 in the brain. The lack of CO2 causes constriction of the blood vessels to the brain but ultimately it's lack of oxygen that causes you to pass out

That happened to me when I was playing with my kittens

vde_fml 15

You did not had lack of oxigen, you hyperventilated that's all.

epullley 1