By FML - 30/08/2009 14:15 - United States

Today, I had to buy another pair of "fat jeans", because my old "fat jeans" became my new "skinny jeans." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 298
You deserved it 58 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take control. Eat healthier. Be more active. You can do it!

So, you've gained a ton of weight. What do you do? Log onto the computer! Best solution ever award.


I'll never understand why commenters take this so seriously and find it appropriate or gratifying to deliver health advice to FML submitters. It's supposed to be funny. I'm sure that if the submitter wanted diet advice, the last placed they'd seek it is from FML....

How is this anything other than YDI? Haha, you realise you're just getting fatter but you still keep evolving into a whale? If I ever need blubber I'll let you know, until then get outta my sight lardo.

fmls don't have to be funny they are about your life sucking who cares if this person is fat don't tell him/her to get off the Internet who says fat is unattactive I would much rather date a ft person than a skinny one

A man would never wite this fml even if he weighed 1000 lbs. Gain some self-esteem.

triplethreat13 0

it's not that easy for some people to lose weight because of certain medical issues. you can't assume and say YDI for being fat. it's more of a FYL for sure!

ARGH SHUT UP OP. Nobody cares that you're fat. You should care that you're fat and do something about it. SO PUT DOWN THAT ICE CREAM AND HOP ON A ******* TREADMILL. There are bigger problems in the world than you taking up the store's supply of ice cream because you pity yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. People like you get me mad. "Oh my god feel sorry for me 'cause i can't seem to stop putting food in my mouth and turn off the tv" boo ******* hoo. Its not our fault you lost the remote in your fat rolls.

if I could I'd punch u ppl who are saying mean things some people can't help it m some have medical issues some just can't get te weight off so quit being a Jack ass to him or her just think if this was you or your son or daughter and if you would still say these things I'm ashamed to b the same species of you all jerks

NDnation44 0

thats something a fat kid would say

oh shut up. Trying to be like the ******* fat people hero. If you're fat you do not deserve to complain. Do something about it if you're unhappy with your body. Don't ******* complain to the rest of us because unless it is a medical condition it IS your fault that you're fat. and yeah if it were my kid i'd tell them if they got to the point where they got so big it could be harmful.

we awesome people ought to stick together :)

#60 is right there are medical conditions that make it hard for people to lose weight my closest friend has one of those conditions so stop cyber bullying because that shows how insecure and shallow you all are.

if you feel that low about your body, time to make a change la. Don't let it get out of control, stop it before it becomes a problem ya know?

quest4ya 0

p90x works! all you have to do it follow the program. easier said than done. it may be the hardest physical activity you've ever tried but nothing worthwhile is easy...