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By Anonymous - 04/10/2012 18:10 - United States - Omaha

Today, I had to buy groceries while suffering horrible morning sickness. My nausea magnified as I stood in line behind an obese lady wearing a tank top and tiny short shorts. I lost everything in my stomach when she stuck her hand down her shorts and started scratching at her ass-crack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 328
You deserved it 2 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alexhaz64 4

I don't think anyone would blame you for that, morning sickness or not...


NzaHaFML 13

Probably reaching for a donut in there.

Ugh man I made myself gag in that one...

I've seen a lot of things in my time. Leaking brain matter, ruptured intestines, even random everyday objects stuck up people's butts, and none of it bothers me. I will never be ok with obese people in short shorts.

NzaHaFML 13

#22 Now that is a horrifying image.

JustDerpin 11

Why do they even make short shorts in that size?

#35 I think people just try to squeeze into smaller sizes to look sexy I guess -_-

1 - I agree, I'm not even pregnant and that'd make me spew. Ick.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

That's like an everyday thing at most Walmarts.

I don't know about you guys but I try to not scratch my ass or just touch anything around my private parts in public. Guess the bitch thought that she was at home.

#18, I can't stop laughing! Thank you! I needed cheering...

I don't think they do, that what makes it gross XD

There are some articles of clothing that should never be made in bigger sizes.

alexhaz64 4

I don't think anyone would blame you for that, morning sickness or not...

MagicGiraffe 12

I made the mistake of picturing this while suffering with the stomach flu...

MagicGiraffe 12

I'm sorry OP. That's definately embarrassing.

Typically, throwing up in public IS embarrassing for people.

69 (giggity), if you threw up in the middle of a grocery store, would you just carry on like nothing happened?

I definitely think that people should dress for their size. I do not really like anyone in short shorts (way too short IMO) but also, with ANY body size, you should focus on clothes that compliment your figure. I know quite a few larger people (not obese but not tiny) and all but one wear flattering clothes. The other one wears clothes meant for smaller people (clothes have sizes for a reason-don't be ashamed to wear your proper size if it looks good) and it doesn't flatter her body one bit. If she wore clothes her size she would look way better.

omfg_creepers 8

There should be a law passed that obese people cannot wear short shorts.

enormouselephant 15

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Freedom of speech isn't at all comparable to the freedom to psychologically scar innocent civilians.

I wouldn't go as far as to say obese people shouldn't wear daisy dukes because you will find in every size women wear things that are inappropriate. There's just a time and place for everything and daisy dukes shouldn't leave the bedroom.

No more cottage cheese cravings for OP during this pregnancy.

I don't get why they want to show their bodies to people.

MagicGiraffe 12

38s just mad since elephants are fat :3

#38 actually has a point. If you don't like it, you don't have to look. It has nothing to do with being "psychologically scarred" (as though hateful speech can't do the same thing? Both clothing and speech have limits, you know. It's called public indecency and libel/harassment/hate speech.) I don't understand why s/he got so many thumbs down. Besides, people come in all shapes and sizes, and everyone has a different standard for what's "too fat". Personally, I don't think ANYONE should wear shorts that short (I mean, you might as well just wear two pairs of underwear) but I would never tell anyone else what they should and shouldn't wear provided it's legal and not directly affecting me. :P What's next? Ugly people shouldn't be allowed to go out without makeup on? :/

87, how can I know if I like something or not without looking at it? Do you propose that I feel it out or something? Lololol

When you make people physically sick to their stomachs by letting your fat rolls and cottage cheese hang out you've crossed a line. It's not like they were at a beach or pool! And saying daisy dukes are always wrong is stupid. A fit woman works hard on her legs why can't she show them off to be appreciated. To the women who posted that about daisy dukes should ripped guys not be allowed to wear tank tops to show off the muscles they work hard for? So stupid.

Big_lama6 7

79 - especially yoga pants :/

Definitely, there should be dress code laws for unsightly beings.

delilah09 6

Freedom of speech. If you don't like it, TOO BAD - TRY ANOTHER SITE!!

Dude seriously?! Being tolerant is ok, but you are overdoing it :) Besides there is medical definition for fat - about 40% of Americans fit into it :)

The thing is with that, it's like a moth to a flame. You don't want to look, but your so horrified that you can't move or look away! Fat or not people need to dress accordingly to their figure. If it don't fit then you need to quit! And find a bigger size! If I don't want to see my jelly why the hell would I want to see someone else's? Disgusting!

I totally agree. just Because there are obese people out there doesn't mean that you have o be assholes to them

Actually, "attractive" people usually don't work for it. For the most part, you are genetically predisposed to either have an attractive body or an ugly body (like with boobs-- gaining weight or getting pregnant makes them bigger, but for the most part their size is fixed.) Two people can exercise or not exercise exactly as much as one another, and one will probably end up looking better than the other. SO most attractive people did not "earn" the right to put themselves on display any more than ugly people, unless they had plastic surgery. Technically you mean there is a medical definition for obese and overweight. Fat is more aesthetic and subjective. The problem with obesity rates is that they're based on BMI, which is not an accurate measure of how fat you are. Many thin or "healthy"-looking people are technically overweight according to their BMI. I DO think unhealthy weights are a problem, I just don't think you should use such an inaccurate system to measure it. :P To an extent, I do agree that there's a limit. If you're showing like 75% of your skin, you may have gone too far, regardless of size. That limit often comes sooner for fat people (do the math), but that doesn't give you the right to discriminate against them...

azmatt15 8
natas_fml 13

Yes you are; misusing words like that makes me sick.

natas_fml 13

I didn't misuse it, ya dope. Nauseous means to cause sickness. What you meant was nauseated.

Nauseous; Adjective Affected with nausea; inclined to vomit.

Clean up on aisle gross!! What Not to Wear needs a call lol

Maybe you should've puked ON her so she would leave and so you could cover that shit.

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Thank you 37. Next time I throw up its gonna be an indefinite loop until I die, merely from picturing what you've said.

Oh my god 37 you just made my day xD

i feel for you, my older sister is 6 months along and when she was just a few months she had horrible morning sickness. the thought of some food made her sick

Looking at your profile, are you referring to your 15 year old sister?!

unknown_user5566 26

36- Wouldn't surprise me... having worked at an online high school, I worked with a lot of pregnant teens. It's like the baby boom round 2 these days.

I agree 39 - In my field of work I'm always surrounded by teen parents. It's almost normal now, as upsetting as that is.

Hey jus because the girl is pregnant doesn't mean she GAVE consent just saying.

Autoshot 9

15 and pregnant is an ugly recipe for food stamps and welfare, paid for by over-taxed people like me. Give your sister this message for me; You're Welcome.

outstandtacular 11

119 - I don't see any problem with being 21 and married...?

I got married at 19 and we had a fantastic marriage until the day he died almost 15 years later. Don't be so quick to judge. I will admit though, we were the exception to the rule.

unknown_user5566 26

I'm willing to bet you were at Walmart.

keven501 12

Oh the horror! It's understandable OP.