By loving wife - 21/04/2013 10:20 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I had to convince my husband that I'm not having an affair all because I refused to have sex with him. Apparently the fact that I gave birth to our twins 10 days ago isn't a good enough reason to turn him down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 337
You deserved it 7 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bree12345 15

FYL, your husband should be ashamed of himself for putting sex over your welbeing.


maraka_musso_fml 16

Explain to your husband that it's the medical advice given after giving birth.

He should have been in the room when the doctor/nurse was giving instructions and advice. My husband wanted to make sure he heard everything!

Knightchaser27 25

You are probably to busy to have an affair with two new babies to take care of.

mimikinsz01 6

I take it he may not be the brightest character?

I don't know what worse about this post, the fact that you have an insensitive husband or that as of this point 211 people think you deserve it:/

446 now, all of which are insensitive douche bags!

Now 1216. Some people need to go jump into a shark infested lake. :)

#40 judging by the comments its the people thinking she needs to suck him off.

Your hubby is crazy congrats on the babes

Tell him he's a ******* idiot for thinking you'd **** him or anyone with all the abdominal cramps and blood. After you tell him that suck his dick.

I hope you ment bite it, put him out of commission for awhile.

Your mouth still works, unless you hurled one of the babies out. Even if that were the case, you didn't have triplets. If you know what I mean....jk. Tell him that he still has two hands. He can take care of himself for now.

My fiancée had 1 newborn an he was constantly eating so now imagine two. 10 days especially is a growth spurt. Dot forget that you have to change 10-12 diapers a day each. Its not just that she had a baby its also the responsibility that comes with it. I would just tell him to stick with his hands.

Am amused by the theory that men who get ******** will be better fathers. That's a good one@ Have any more like that? Hilarious! Here's a compromise: you give a ******* if he reciprocates. That's always the rule at my house. If his excuse is he's too tired from changing diapers, you are too. Tit for tat. Guys, you are not owed sex. Not even if you get married. Sorry to break it to you. I know your whole life you've been conditioned to entitlement, but someone has to tell you the truth.

Well said! I wish your comment was further up to possibly prevent most of the jerks saying she should give him a bj.

Isn't kind of weird and stringent that you have "rules" for sex at your house? I don't see why some women treat oral sex like its a cookie on a shelf a man should be grateful for. I know Im not always physically able to, or in the mood to reciprocate when my s/o performs it for me so I'm not sure why you'd have to insist on "tit for tat" everytime. Have you never wanted something for nothing lol? Nor do I really see the problem in doing something just to make your husband a happier well adjusted person, if you love someone I don't see how oral sex is this huge chore lmao. I suggested this as a way for the OP and her husband to feel closer after the birth of her children as I know men can sometimes feel like its now all about the kids and they don't matter - which isn't good for anyone. It might make him more willing to help out and not bug her about small stuff. Its not about a sense of "owing" a man sex, but rather the BOTH of you going above and beyond to make the other person happy/satisfied in all senses of the word.

he should have to do something in return though, she could feel just as under-appreciated as he might, so maybe he should at least have to give her a foot/back rub in exchange or at least cook a nice supper, it shouldn't just be given out because she probably wants something for herself too.

Why should he have to give something in return? If I wanted to give something for sex every single time, I'd go find a professional. Withholding sex or using it as a bargaining chip sounds like a terrible idea to me. If I was still married and my wife tried to do that it would rapidly turn into a serious issue. If you have to have a tit-for-tat rule it sounds to me like there's something wrong.

why should he be the only one who gets to enjoy something? I dont think that's fair. it doesnt sound like he does anything to make her want to give him one. She's busy feeding and taking care of twins, why should she have to do anything for him? he should be doing things for her!

128 - would you be upset if a woman asked you to go down on her, but afterwards she refused to return the favor? Sex is give and take, if one person is receiving all the time and never doing anything in return, the person who is doing everything is going to leave and find someone who appreciates them.

If she didn't return the favor because I was healing from some sort of medical procedure? Not at all. Some of us enjoy making our partners feel good without expectations. Now, if she was /never/ willing to go down on me at all? That would be a different story. But an every time tit for tat thing? That goes against everything that I believe that marriage stands for.

#148 - Agreed. Tit for tat every time is riddiculous. Sometimes I want to pleasure my man without anything in return, because I love him and I want him to feel good, I don't think anyone should expect something in return.

Emily062611 6

He should do something in return because he asked. If she offered, that's a different story. Also, he's accusing her of cheating. She's probably mad and not in the mood anyway. Give her a break - she has two exhausting new responsibilities right now.

I'm speechless... Was he involved at all in you pregnancy for not knowing that you cannot have sex for 6 weeks after birth? And how can be be thinking you're having an affair when you have to care for 2 newborns? Isn't he exhausted himself from all the work involved? Or does he even participate in looking after the babies?

I don't think he was involved either. My husband knew exactly how long to wait and still asked me if I felt ok when day came.