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By beekeke45 - 25/06/2011 13:39 - United States

Today, I had to dig up my twin boys birth certificates for baseball registration. Turns out I had been calling both of them by the other twin's name for eight and a half years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 724
You deserved it 67 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would finding their birth certificates help distinguish their names?


well don't tell them! leave it for their 18th birthday. great present!(:

:o what if one goes to jail and blames it on his brother

well then ... uh ... hadn't thought of that part yet.

how are you going to explain that to their teachers? many grade changes and class changes

At 8 they probably have all the same classes and grades.

unless one is in more advanced classes than the other. at my elementary school we had that even at a young age

I suppose that this is possible now a days. wasn't when I was a kid or at least not at schools I was in.

It wouldn't matter. The kids weren't doing each other's school work. Twin A was doing his own work, as well as twin B. Regardless of their names. If a teacher was calling just students the wrong name (not related) it doesn't make that student magically more or less intelligent.

Well I'm a twin and after preschool my sister and I had no classes together until the 7th grade. :) So I'm sure the grades will have to be changed, plus schools have a record for every kid, so even in the same class, that'd have to be dealt with.

So, if your sister got all F's and you got all A's you would have to swap grades because you unknowingly were called by the wrong name? No. If you were smarter than your sister even with a grade change you STILL would be smarter than your sister.

no no no! I mean that if I was mistakes for her then I'd have to get my grades on my record. I'm sooo sorry, I didn't mean it like that!

when a baby is born they put ink on their foot and mark the page. they could have found out this way or my features listed on the certificate.

are you suggesting that she can tell them apart at years old by just looking at a foot print from when they were a day old? this woman needs to work for the CSI the. cause they need machines to do that.

BrooklynnStroker 0

there's no features listed on a birth certificate! and yes how would she know by looking at their foot print? my kids foot prints aren't on their birth certificate anyway.

look on the comments on jshsmith's comment up above. sorry about any confusion about the word features. I meant eye color or hair color or something simply like that. and a foot print or a finger print could be used but not exactly immediately just by glancing at it once.

traze 7

You deserve the mother of the year award....

I stopped reading at 'dig up my twin boys'.

IndiRae 9

I got ******* terrified when I read that too xD

if you quit reading why the **** did you comment then?

I have an identical twin sister... Good luck telling them that OP! It'll be pretty confusing, maybe some conflict, then some legal work... but then afterwards, all is good! :)

I don't really see what's wrong here... if they're twins, the birth certificates are almost interchangeable... Kinda. It's little league baseball. Who gives a ****?

Who needs a birth certificate for little league baseball anyway?

Its so u dont put an age 10 kid in with the 5-8 group. It is a big deal actually.

DKParth13 5

you are really dumb fo real!!!!

MasterShake1100 0

lol are you making a reference to something that I think you are making a reference too?

so are you gonna tell them or keep it the way it is