By latter - 24/09/2013 00:05 - United States - Middle River

Today, I had to explain to my brother why it's not OK to stick his knob in the toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 325
You deserved it 3 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Pain is a wonderful teacher. Keep that in mind.

perdix 29

You should have shut up and let nature take it's course. Maybe your new sister will be a little wiser after the "accident."

Electrocution comes to mind but most of all that's were we put our toast garbage now how wants to have any thing toasted on a stick

Why did you stop him? If he wasn't meant to reproduce, then he wasn't meant to reproduce.

davek 36

Unless he's a little kid maybe Darwinism should be allowed to take its course.