By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I had to go through the embarrassment and pain of telling my parents I was pregnant. I took the test and it came out positive and I was freaking out. I got grounded for the rest of the year and they're really disappointed in me. Five minutes ago, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 881
You deserved it 29 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

testing_fml 0 Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.


Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?


Caddy23 0

...So your parents grounded you for having sex basically. How old are you? if you like 12 then i can understand them having that reaction, but if your an older teen, than thats not very supportive at all. Make sure you use proper protection from now on, cause if you do happen to get preggo, i don't think your folks will be overly supportive.

Veldan 1

Well, for all those saying "You can't get a period", you are probably "physically" correct. However, you can get bleeding and symptoms similar to a period even up to three weeks into a pregnancy. I had a friend who got pregnant, took the test, it was positive, two weeks later, had a period and 9 months (or so) after that she has a bouncy baby boy who is now turning 4. So, yes you can still get what may appear to the untrained eye as a period.

idkwtfimdoing 0

that's not surprising. like #238 said, you can get a "period" during pregnancy. it's too late for this advice this time, but any time you need to take a pregnancy test, buy two: one to take right away, one to take a week or so later if you get a positive result. if you get a negative and it turns out you're not pregnant, you can take it next time you think you're pregnant. i hope your parents will be more understanding, at least enough to help you if you are pregnant.

You do realize that you can still have your period while pregnant, right? You need to go to your doctor and have them test to see if you really are or not. Birth control works, people. Use it.

At least your only grounded for the rest of the year (only 5 1/2 months) instead of being responsible for another human for the rest of your life!

happygigi 0

HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT??? people like you make me sick.

MiriamSingsLoud 0

Don't feed the troll, happygigi.

Here's a real picture of me.

Spartan_182 0

Wow. Way to be open minded about some one else's opinion. Saying that really doesn't help your side of the argument anymore than some of the people on here talking about abortions being murder, homicide. Seriously, if you feel that strongly about it then go do a march on D.C. about it rather than waste your time on this website spouting closed-minded shit like that. By the way, I'm pro-choice for any rape abortion cause that just isn't fair to the women. Other than that then I say it shouldn't be allowed. Now that is open-minded.

Still could be pregnant. My mum had her period for the first 5 months of pregnancy when she was up the duff with me. And grounded for being pregnant? What, like your whole life isn't gonna change and things you used to be able to do are now going to be things of the past? What kind of dickheads are your parents?! (The above isn't meant to make having a kid sound like a burden btw, I can't wait to have a bubba. =])

Be careful, my mum continued to have three periods when she was pregnant with me. Go to the doctors and check to be sure.

You could still be pregnant. Either way your parents are idiots for grounding you. What's that gonna solve, exactly?

Why wouldn't you double check before telling your parents?