By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I had to go through the embarrassment and pain of telling my parents I was pregnant. I took the test and it came out positive and I was freaking out. I got grounded for the rest of the year and they're really disappointed in me. Five minutes ago, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 883
You deserved it 29 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

testing_fml 0 Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.


Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?


How come everyone assumes that they weren't using protection? Just because she thought she was form of birth control is 100% effective. Hell...I'm pregnant right now and we were using protection. Just goes to show you that it sometimes does fail.

Stupidity_9 0

At least you didn't have to tell your parents you were in jail. Wouldn't recommend it.

Sunflowerkiss89 0

Just be careful, you might still be preggo, you can have your period and be preggo, and she'd probly still be grounded if she wasn't preggo, she isn't a virgin...and her parents know.

you can get your period and still be pregnant....go get a real test...not a silly take home one you buy at a drug store. good luck.

Go to the doctor and find out for sure, cause you CAN be pregnant and still have a couple of periods

deathbylaughter 0

Very, very large possibility that you're pregnant still. Incantation bleeding; Read up, nimrod.

Bucinka 5

INCANTATION bleeding?! WTF is that--someone chants "Dona nobis pacem" over her uterus or something? It's IMPLANTATION bleeding, nimrod.

That doesn't mean your not pregnant. I just learned too. [I'm nont pregnant, it was a possible explanation for pain I was in a couple days ago]. Even if your pregnant, you can get your period that first month, but not any other months. This is not an FML.

imallmessedupx 0

You could still be pregnant. When my friend got pregnant she had her period for the first 2 months Go to the doctors!

Atiuqol 0

Impossible. Pregnancy tests measure the hCG level in the womb, hCG is ONLY detected WHEN you are pregnant. You can never have a false positive, only false negatives. Either you're lying or it's not your period.