By johnny121 - 01/01/2010 19:14 - France

Today, I had to go to the hospital. While I was there, my mom started hitting on a doctor. Later I saw them making out in the room next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 058
You deserved it 2 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the plus side, your medical bills no longer have to come out of your college fund!


perdix 29

When your dad sees the discount your mom got, he won't care exactly how she did it.

Nothing is free in a hospital. I hate to think what she is going to be charged for that doctor visit.

perdix 29

Dad's going to be irritated by the doctor's fee for the visit, but he'll be totally pissed when he sees those charges for the injections.

_sourpatchkid 0

seriously, someone should filter these things for realness.

spreadtheword1o1 0

Embarrassing, yes, but I think you are going to be getting GREAT medical care with a whole lot more supervision than most patients get! All right, I admit it. I LOL'd.

I actually do believe it's real. I am probably quite a bit older than most who post here, and I am a court reporter by profession. If there's one thing life and particularly my job have taught me, it's to never underestimate the human capacity for weirdness.

trinitydarkness 0

your mom may have been sick and in need of a shot of petercillin.