By idiotson - 11/06/2014 00:39 - United States - Rocky Point

Today, I had to go to the police station after my son got arrested for shoplifting 15 packs of gum. He got away with it at first, but got busted when he tried to return it all because he "didn't like the flavor". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 307
You deserved it 8 968

Same thing different taste


Your son can't even rob a store correctly. What can he do without messing it up?

GothicKnife 11

I'm sorry to say this but your son is a dumbass.

I read this and am so glad I'm not stupid enough to put my parents through that.

Your son idiot. Plain and simple.

Jeez...Things like this remind me that stupidity has no limits :/ though I'm sorry OP has a son like that

elizacandle 29

wow not only is he a criminal; he's an idiot too.

That wasn't a very smart move. Well, karma is karma.