By Anonymous - 11/01/2015 05:56 - United States - Silverdale

Today, I had to negotiate with my husband so he would bring me toilet paper while I was on the john. His terms? A blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 135
You deserved it 7 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments


skyeyez9 24

What normal man thinks about working out a ******* deal while his wife is taking a dump?

WasabiMars 21

#95 A man so desperate he had to negotiate just to get ********.

I hope it wasn't an on-the-spot trade, or you washed your hands at least paha

If he had to negotiate that hard just to get a BJ, YDI.

2 sides to everything. When roles are reversed what fid you demand?

Maybe it's just me, but I have to beg my hubby to let me give him a bj. I think it's because I'd give him two or three a day

Have you tried chewing gum to satisfying your oral fixations? Smoking is great too

Nobody cares about how many ******** you give your husband a day. Surely if you're having to beg to give them, he doesn't really want them. As much as I love oral, I'd be annoyed if my boyfriend kept "begging" to give it to me when I didn't want it.

if you weaponize sexual favors to the point where oral is a special rare treat youre kind of a lame spouse.

Next comes "Fine, i'll let you watch **** if you take out the trash."

sammyjanette 17

If she doesn't want o do oral then she doesn't want to do it. He shouldn't have married her if he found it a problem.

Was the ******** also while you on the John? Or did he wait till John finished before taking his turn?