By Anonymous - 11/01/2015 05:56 - United States - Silverdale

Today, I had to negotiate with my husband so he would bring me toilet paper while I was on the john. His terms? A blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 135
You deserved it 7 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's hilarious. Sounds like something my man would say. He gets a minimum of three a week though, so he'd likely ask for something more than just a bj.

What comes next anal or a 3 some with your friends?

See now your cool why not use sex as currency like that. **** I mean you could play poker with you SO and only use things like that it would be really fun

Next thing you know he is going to start taking and hiding the toilet paper. But all joking aside, I don't understand why this is an FML. That's something that both you should be able to find fun doing.

Reason why I hate my name first name "John" :(

Did he make you give him the ******* on the toilet?

TomeDr 24

Personally, I'd be plotting my revenge for the next time he's in a tight spot and needs YOUR help.

LostInTheZone11 29

Sugar Free candy, will make an instant role reversal on him.

Showering off is cleaner and faster...