By Anonymous - 11/01/2015 05:56 - United States - Silverdale

Today, I had to negotiate with my husband so he would bring me toilet paper while I was on the john. His terms? A blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 135
You deserved it 7 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If you did it more often that probably wouldn't have been his terms.

Goblin182 26

Is that the only way for him to get a ******** from you, to negotiation when you are in a bind? Reminds me of the old saying, if you aren't feeding your dogs and they ain't barking they are eating at the neighbor's house.

For one roll? You should have demanded a 36-pack at least.

If he has to bargain that to get an actual ******* then obviously you're not putting out enough.

mattmsk005 8

sounds like my hubby! read this to him with a pause after his term...and he finished the post correctly!

Give him the ********. Remember to use your teeth. :)

squideth 18

So... Much... Sexism... The amount of children here who think that this woman should just "put out" all the time to solve this problem is astounding, not to mention the amount of people who think it's okay for a grown man to negotiate a sexual act in return for a simple favour. FYL indeed, OP. I'd just wipe with his towel.