By Anonymous - 11/01/2015 05:56 - United States - Silverdale

Today, I had to negotiate with my husband so he would bring me toilet paper while I was on the john. His terms? A blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 135
You deserved it 7 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments


you decided to go even though you were out of tp? ydi

All the dudes here saying thats a bargain... Grow some! Notice i said dudes and not men

Sounds like blow jobs are a rare commodity, he played his trump card. Supply and demand, he wins.

Maybe you should try being sexually available enough that you don't have to be blackmailed by your spouse?

You have no idea she's not. She may not like giving that particular service or he may just be demanding, either she does NOT have to.

Did you really just process this fml as: "This woman was blackmailed by her husband. For sex things. It is her own fault." Wtf dude.

If he tries to blackmail her into it, then yes, it is.

Next thing you know he's going to start taking the toilet paper and hiding it! But, all joking aside i don't see why this is an FML? That should be fun for the both of you.

I love this! lol...sounds like you guys have a fun marriage

I've got all day so yeah I'll spend it doing this... Again why should she want to? She may not enjoy that particular activity and there is no reason she should do it if she does not want to.