By DocKreso - 28/06/2013 21:59 - Croatia - Split

Today, I had to remove a glass bottle, complete with an ineffective pullstring, from a patient's rectum. He claimed that he'd accidentally sat on it, and later threatened to sue me for every penny if I breathed a word of it to anyone. Oops, looks like I just did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 895
You deserved it 6 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully said patient doesn't read this website! Otherwise, good luck being poor!

There's no hipaa violation if you didn't mention his name. Hahahaha!!!


Haha. Nice on OP. Sounds like he had himself some fun. If you know what i mean.

thechickenshow 3

Rectum? Damn near killed him!

olpally 32

Men in black reference also! :) haha.

JJJJJakkkkeee 6

My mom's a surgeon and the same thing happened to one of her patients. A man came in with a shampoo bottle lodged in his rectum and he had to confess in front of his wife and kids what he was doing when it got stuck.

Hurt the patiend, and lose his job? I don't think so...

jgriff79 23

Of course you had to tell somebody. That way they will put a warning on the bottles. DO NOT SIT ON BOTTLE NAKED.

Lol how did he get the bottle up his ass

dmattimeoj 12

...very slowly and carefully. but apparently not carefully enough.

Oh those coca-cola bears, they're turning into quite the pranksters! Right?! Right?

dmattimeoj 12

can't believe he could actually think you would buy that excuse. why even try? he really couldn't make it any less or more embarassing for himself than it already was. would be just as plausable to say he was drinking out of the bottle a couple days ago when something surprised him and he inhaled then swallowed it. you may see him a second time in the ER in a few days when he comes back to get treatment for his sore neck which will have been strained as a result of hanging his head in shame for the next few days. i'm picturing him looking like charlie brown as he slowly trudges forward, eyes glued to the ground, while that sad piano music plays in the background. hopefully he will not have read this website by then OP!

While I agree that the excuse was daft, sometimes people just use them even if they're unbelievable just to save them telling the truth. He probably knew as soon as he knew to go to hospital that he would use that excuse and that they wouldn't believe him but like I said, they REALLY don't want to tell the truth. :)