By stainseverywhere - 01/02/2012 07:11 - United States

Today, I had to sit my 13-year-old son down and explain to him that I'd noticed that his pajamas feel a little "crispy" when I pick them up to do the laundry, and ask if he could start using tissues when having some "alone time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 069
You deserved it 6 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well its normal for everyone to do.. But id imagine that just but uncomfortable!

Hmm expect to see a lot of tissues next time you walk past a bin.


Why Is a 13 year old still in pajamas??

HannahWho 8
HannahWho 8

@Isa: Is the "uh.what?" directed at me? Also, since when is there an age limit to pajamas. It doesn't mean he is wearing kitten pjs. My grown father wears Pjs. I wear Pjs. Everyone sleeps in some form of sleeping clothes, even if its your boxers.

furlifenotmine 0

No, this is his fml. Your role as parent is to support and guide him through all the trials of becoming a man, and not spread the gory details of his life.

Colbertrox811 5
BaileySt4 5

Wait, lemme guess what followed this: awkward silence maybe???

Geez, that's gotta be embarrassing for him. I would know too, I accidentally left my computer on and some tabs up when I was 13. :/ I Wouldn't mention it to him again.