By stainseverywhere - 01/02/2012 07:11 - United States

By stainseverywhere - 01/02/2012 07:11 - United States
By M. Moore - 12/06/2019 22:00
By M. Moore - 10/06/2019 18:00
By nature - 25/09/2017 23:15
By Dirty - 23/02/2017 08:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 17/06/2022 21:00 - Canada - Fredericton
By Kay - 02/06/2013 19:00 - India - Nagari
By socreepedouticanteven - 27/10/2014 00:05 - United States - Procious
By proud cashier - 08/05/2024 05:00 - United States
By Sad Mom - 25/07/2015 02:04 - United States - Wylie
By smellsgood - 13/03/2010 19:32 - United States
More like F his Life
ew, oh my goodness :s
Why Is a 13 year old still in pajamas??
No, this is his fml. Your role as parent is to support and guide him through all the trials of becoming a man, and not spread the gory details of his life.
Geez, that's gotta be embarrassing for him. I would know too, I accidentally left my computer on and some tabs up when I was 13. :/ I Wouldn't mention it to him again.
Well its normal for everyone to do.. But id imagine that just but uncomfortable!
Hmm expect to see a lot of tissues next time you walk past a bin.