By futuremum - 22/03/2012 17:14 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I had to yet again tell my mother-in-law that I wasn't going to name my unborn baby "Ermintrude" after her late mother. My husband told me to stop being difficult, and that he agrees that it would be nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 372
You deserved it 2 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ermintrude is a name that you joke like ethelburga not one you name a child, they would be teased.


lolimorgan 1

why not offer to call her 'Trudy' or take it as a middle name? I took my man's nan's name (may she rest in peace) and that is Barbara, as my daughter's middle name cause I was never gonna call her Barbara. Family politics is hard but worth trying to solve if you wanna stick your relationship out.

I say slap the mother in law and knock out your husben after telling him to.grow a back bone so he can pull his head out of his mother

What a disgusting name. This is your child as well as his and if she wants a child with that name she should have did so if she hasn't already.

UltimateGIRness 16

Just tell her and him NO. Although I like the idea of an unusual name. My friend has a niece named Jonny so a strange name is ol

mz_luna 2

I could never put that on paper! I'd tell em sure that's the middle name and call it! ????

I cant say "I agree your life sucks" because you aren't the one who is/will be named Ermintrude lol

foxtrousers 14

Using it as a middle name would be the better suggestion, just to appease the parental figures

doglover100 28

It's your baby, you can name her whatever you want.