By futuremum - 22/03/2012 17:14 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I had to yet again tell my mother-in-law that I wasn't going to name my unborn baby "Ermintrude" after her late mother. My husband told me to stop being difficult, and that he agrees that it would be nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 372
You deserved it 2 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ermintrude is a name that you joke like ethelburga not one you name a child, they would be teased.


Kids are already queuing to beat the living crap out of your oddly named child in school.

sombi3 0

Well if you named it that you could always call her true as a nickname and have that as the name teachers called her, it actually wouldn't be bad you'd just kinda have to work it out

pluck290 0

Why is FML filled with stories of pussy-whipped men?

Then don't name it as such. Your mother has no say, and everyone knows that men have no rights to their own children, anyway. Go ahead and seal the deal.

tell your M-I-L to **** off then tell her her and your husband that when they actually carry the baby in thier own body then they can call it whatever the **** they want. you are carrying the baby, your body is changing to nourish the baby youre going through the morning sickness etc and that should entitle you to call the baby whatever you want. if my nephew's father had any say in naming him he would have been called Joint Blunt

Tell them that Ermintrude is a terrible name and you're not going to name your baby after someone that probably lived in the 20's.