By Damm - 24/01/2009 19:05 - United States

Today, I have an autoimmune disease which causes my penis to look like a tie-dye t shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 369
You deserved it 2 768

Same thing different taste


veganxunicorn 0
LaughAtLaugh 7

dude, just run around naked screaming, "Spread the love!!!!"

inevality 12

At least you have a new pick-up line: Taste my rainbow. ;) Haha.

My exboyfriend (the man im still in love with) suffered from vitiligo. he had many spots on his body and specially a huge white spot on the lower belly. his penis was like that too, it never made me confusion. I just love him the same.

jhon316 0

dude that's awaome in a weird way but groovy

csf1998 0