By sicksicksick - 19/06/2013 17:23 - United States - Lansdale

Today, I have pink eye in both eyes, the stomach virus, and a cold. I'm also sitting at work because my boss "doesn't believe in sick days." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 657
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure you have a valid excuse here. Isn't this illegal in some way?

if you throw up on his desk, I'm sure he'll reconsider.


SamanthaNGoree 10

Sneeze toward him, then rub your faces together. Then, he'll know what a sick day is for! Haha!!

If I were in your position I'd sneeze on him then tell him I don't believe in tissues

Who do you work for? Typhoid Mary? That's disgusting and dangerous.

Pretty sure you have all the signs if eating out assholes

stepymac 15

Go up to him and start a conversation and cough on him Sneeze on him and all this other disgusting stuff that could possibly spread a viruses on him

I agree with everyone else about spreading what you have to this asshole. I did notice that no one suggested that you "accidentally" vomit on his shoes.

I hope you don't work with the public, especially in a restaurant.

Restaurant workers are actually the LEAST likely to have sick days of any occupation. Have fun thinking about that!

lifesucks1217 6

Your boss seems a little sick ...