By sicksicksick - 19/06/2013 17:23 - United States - Lansdale

Today, I have pink eye in both eyes, the stomach virus, and a cold. I'm also sitting at work because my boss "doesn't believe in sick days." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 658
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure you have a valid excuse here. Isn't this illegal in some way?

if you throw up on his desk, I'm sure he'll reconsider.


I bet he'll believe in sick days when the rest of the office calls in sick. Make sure you spread it around op, it sucks to be you!

Theoo_fml 3
ironik69 31

This is no longer amusing. And as a Texan, I think it is total crap! I do say y'all, but merica is possibly the worst stereotypical word I have heard. You should face palm yourself with a handful of nails.

Tell him, "I believe in employment law, so I'm gonna sue your a*s, motherf**ker!"

That's when you get everyone in the office sick rub your eyes and touch everything

don't wash your hands at work and sneeze on everything?

LookAttMyyLifee 12

how can anyone vote YDI ? you should cough in his face .

iceliebedich 7

He'll soon regret it when all his employees get sick. I'm sure he'll believe in sick days if he catches it...

Rub your face on every surface in his office, and sneeze and cough in his coffee.

Pink eye, did someone fart in your face ???