By wow - 11/07/2009 20:02 - United States

Today, I have to choose between one eyebrow or none because I'm a heavy sleeper and my brother is a moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 047
You deserved it 5 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait till your brother falls asleep and put superglue on his hand, and make him touch his face.

cactus_fml 0

Wow. You should sneak into his room while he's asleep and pluck his one chest hair.


Make him choose between his right or left nut

Hey you can always pencil them back in. ;)

Cut bangs on the side you have no eyebrow.

The ultimate question: draw on Leftie or shave off Rightie?

You can draw one on. Eyebrows grow quite fast.

CaroAurelia 12

I feel your pain. One time a friend and I were arguing over an electric shaver (don't ask), and somehow she ended up shaving off half of one of my eyebrows. To put this in perspective, I have bushy, dark brown eyebrows. They grew back soon enough, though.

Nah op you gotta get him back waaay worse than he did to you. First, put a bunch of superglue on his hands. Then when he gets up to use the bathroom in the morning that shitfaces hand will be stuck to his meat

I would just have your brother shave off the other one while he's at it.