By Anonymous - 21/01/2013 21:26 - United States - Lake Forest

Today, I have to take a midterm, which is worth a large part of my grade. All our teacher has taught us so far is how to roast s'mores over a Bunsen burner, and how to make gummy bears explode. Our test is on kinetics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 258
You deserved it 3 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side : you now know how to make gummy bears explode


Same but in our case our teacher was just to lazy to grade our project which made us 2.5 weeks behind. We now have the midterm tomorrow.

alphatoomega 21

Complain to your guidance counselor or to the principal. Bring some other disgruntled students with you so they know you're not making it up.

Ill take ur chemistry test for you if you teach me how to explode gummy bears :)

I'll buy you bacon if you teach me how to make gummy bears explode!

Someone already said this, but you need to add a heated perchlorate to anything organic, and you get an explosion.

Is this a college physics course? I cant believe you already have a midterm when the class just started! Unless you're high school, then that makes sense! But, just study and remember all of the equations you need to know, especially don't forget your components!

Eh, it's not too uncommon. I have my first midterm next week, and we only started on the 7th xD ...I'm gonna die... o_O

stephkristine 13

I agree YLS. But YDI. You should have said something to your teacher to make sure you were learning the right stuff. I hope you're good at Christmas treeing.

peanutfoo 19

Dude.. FYL.. But sounds like you have a really fun teacher:) not about the failing grade though..

Crack open a book and read! Personal responsibility!

Well, I hope those two questions are on there... Do you get points for your name?