By Tragic - 27/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, I heard my mom ask "Are you okay?" I opened my mouth to tell her about how I've been feeling suicidal lately. At that second, I realized she was talking to my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 276
You deserved it 6 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really feel bad for you dude. That sucks when you get depressed.

TheZephyrSon 3

Seriously, if you've been feeling suicidal, get some help or talk to someone. Don't kill yourself.


Sorry _ I think it is realy really hard for people of a more mature age to take teens seriously on this issue anymore. SOOOO MANY OF YOU cry wolf and say you are suicidal but its really just a cry for attention. And dont dare callm e insensitive considering my family is dealing with a family member who actually WAS suicidal. Here's the thing. MOST cases, dont sit there and moan about it. They dont talk about how horrible their life is. They go about their normal days trying to pretend everything is ok and then suddenly... the attempt. I wish teens would STOP exploiting the pain of others by claiming to be suicidal. I also wish they would wake the **** up and realize their lives are NOT horrible (at least 90% of you). Here's the deal. If you are coming onto a site like FMYLIFE to say you are suicidal or talk about how horrible your lifei s or how depressed you are? 90% chance you aren't any of the aforementioned. Chances are you want attention and you want people to tell you how wonderful you are. Get a grip

I bet you're 13 and a spoiled brat. Suck it up. Also #86 is right.

imabeliever 0

How would you feel if you dismissed a suicidal teenager for wanting attention only to find out they had gone through with it? Whether they are faking it or not suicide is a serious issue and should NOT be taken lightly. Please remember, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Talk to somebody. Whether it be your mother, a friend, a guidance counselor, or even your cat. Don't hold this in!

sportsnut 0

Gotta stop listening to the emo music and thinking everything sucks, grow up or grow a pair and take charge of your life

time to kill yourself then, don't you think? even your mom doesn't care so go on! ah, and dont forget, kid - it's down the road, not across the street:)

Please take care. I struggle with depression myself, and I really hate when I hear about somebody on here who doesn't have good support. I feel a strong kinship with anyone who has ever tried it or even thought about it. To all the people who say only emo teens talk about it--plenty of people talk about it hoping someone will stop them. There is nothing worse than feeling like nobody even cares enough about you to stop you.

12 people kill themselves per week. Don't be one of them. No one will feel sorry for you, they'll only say "Gee, I thought he was off..." Go to the doctor, get a prescription for an SSRI antidepressant. You'll have two weeks for your body to get used to it. (Tell dr. if you feel even MORE suicidal, ironic, I guess..) and then suddenly, the heavens will open up and life will be bearable again. I know, I need a "tune-up" every few years. Good luck, and don't listen to the comment trolls, they are all 13 year-olds writing from Mommy's basement and surfing **** on the side. Talk to your doctor and get the drugs, it's 2009, we don't have to put up with this depression bullshit anymore.

u feel suicidal??? stop being such a baby u live in America u should be happy no matter what and if ur life is tough its ur fault its the country of opportunity and if u work hard u get to where u wanna be

o and # 87, ur retarded for suggesting drugs. theyre the cause of some or most suicide cases you dumb ****