By Tragic - 27/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, I heard my mom ask "Are you okay?" I opened my mouth to tell her about how I've been feeling suicidal lately. At that second, I realized she was talking to my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 276
You deserved it 6 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really feel bad for you dude. That sucks when you get depressed.

TheZephyrSon 3

Seriously, if you've been feeling suicidal, get some help or talk to someone. Don't kill yourself.


BaiRen 0

This is one of the many reasons why I hate cats. No wonder you feel suicidal. Why do people like cats anyway? They don't like us. Its like having an arrogant miniature hobo live in your house and use you as a body heater.

Talk to someone! Anyone! There are helplines. Check out PostSecret. All the best wishes and love to you! Have faith in yourself because you are strong! *Hugs*

id0nTgiv3af___ 0

that would b a daily occurrence for me.

mehwhateverr 0

Please don't kill yourself. Continue with your life and make something great out of yourself. (:

mehwhateverr 0

Oh wow, my last comment sounds mean. I didn't mean you're not worth anything right now, because you are. I just mean grow up and live a happy life and maybe even change someone else's life for the better. :)

suicide is highly illogical i advise against it

Listen to the song Mr. Blue Sky by the Electric Light Orchestra. It's perfect for lifting oneself out of depression.

Wow. Some of these comments are terrible. Dude, don't try to kill yourself. I did about a month ago and I'm glad it didn't work.

Depression blows. Been there done that. I also know what being a wallflower is like and having your parents care more about the pets... etc. Just keep your chin up and try to talk to some people, heck you can even talk to me. ~Sarcian

yeah bro, or sis, don't hurt yourself. you know there are a lot of people who really ******* love you and would say so if they knew how you felt