By Keastwood013 - 18/01/2013 15:25 - United States

Today, I held a door open for a sweet old lady with a walker. After she went through the door, she turned and said, "That's not how you're gonna get into my pants, son." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 786
You deserved it 4 167

Same thing different taste

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Haha we all know the only way granny is going to be getting off these days is on bitching about young people's rudeness, you just took away her afternoon delight OP!

"No, for that I'd have to be a Depends salesman."

did u figure out how to get in then?

Damn that's some major shade. Four for you ol' biddy.

vffjvsegb 11

Apparently granny got it goin on

Say your not trying to get into them your trying to get her out of them