By james52 - 18/07/2013 04:04 - United States - Mckinney
james52 tells us more.
Hey, I talked to him about it and he denied it and then said sorry. We've been together for four years (high school sweethearts). we've been fighting for a long while and we both think its time for a change. I still love him very much but think its time for someone to appreciate me.
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Show it anywayIt's not that hard, many phones have prerecorded messages you can edit.
Well, sadly my knowledge of phones is rather pathetic due to my only ever having this one phone. So as to what many phones do I have no idea.
It's called a template and it's been around AT LEAST since 2001 (talking about mobile phones).
I only do that when I'm too lazy to type out a long message. So all the time.
You bastard. Changing your comment and nearly making me seem like a lunatic.
That just takes laziness to a whole new level.
Laziness? This is pure genius
why work hard when you can work smart?
In retrospect it's more work to begin with imo
iPhone for the win
iPhones aren't the only phones with a 'copy and paste' option.
#25 IHipster.
How original
Sounds like he's got better things to do than text nice, original things. How sad..
And the problem is? You are obviously talking about the same things if he can answer your text by copy and pasting the same ones he's already sent.
Boy, 21 sure is old these days I suppose. OP!! Here is the only advice you need to follow here: Write him an old school, pen and paper style love letter! Me and my gf still do this on occasions when the message doesn't have to be immediate. I'm not talking tonight's dinner plans here if you catch my drift. It brings an amazing way to sensually and compassionately communicate in private. If he loves you, he will write one back( one that you can keep, ergo forcing home to draft new letters in future correspondence.
Kinda saves time. Maybe its a hint that he's not interested in what yall are talking about?
Dump him
No, I agree. Dump him. Hell, take it to the next level and sue him for breach of contract! Actually no, he deserves to be killed for this! On second thought, maybe you should just TALK to him about it.
Talk? Like human interaction outside of the internets and cellphones. That's a serious situation if you're jumping to that decision.
I see no reason to dump him. I mean I understand sometimes when people are busy at work or doing something important than it's an easy solution. Not every little situation is a reason to end a relationship.

Your boyfriend just doesn't make the ctrl+x
That just takes laziness to a whole new level.