By groom - 20/06/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I helped my grandparents carry luggage to their hotel room, where they're staying the night tonight after my wedding reception. Their room is 203. Mine is 201. Their room shares a wall with my honeymoon suite. My grandparents are going to hear me consummate my marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 442
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that must suck. Maybe you could ask them to move? In a polite way?

Who says it has to be in the hotel room? Go somewhere else.


Lisimal 7

Easy solution: just put loud music when you're doing "ya thing." Does hip hop music sound pleasing to you?

Manny_B92 0

Let's hope people don't listen to hip-hop having sex :-)

mylifesucks_alot 0

Call the front desk and request a different room. Simple as that.

cpatrick820 3

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Honeymoon suite? In Room 201? Where you doing the nasty? La Quinta? How lovely... you can walk next door to Denny's afterwards and celebrate with a cherry milkshake.

Actually a lot more people than you would think just because a wedding is so ******* exhausting

That sounds like my kind of wedding night, except make my shake chocolate, please. Not everyone has the means or inclination to spend (read: waste) a whole lot of money on a fancy hotel room. What's better...a nicely furnished hotel room that you probably won't remember the details of, or money towards savings/a nice trip/furniture for your first apartment?

cpatrick820 3

Ah, but they're in the Honeymoon Suite. It'd be more reasonable for the grandies to vacate

Can you honestly not consummate quietly? I mean, if I was in Room 203, I sure as hell wouldn't appreciate being kept up all night by the raunchy sex noises of strangers. What does it matter whether its your grandparents or someone else in the room next to yours, its called respect and you could show a little of it.

I hope the numnutz front desk clerk gives you Room 205.

It's their wedding night. I mean, no it's not exactly pleasant to listen to, but for this ONE NIGHT they have an excuse. It's understandable.

Chasted 0

There is always the bathroom...

bluebaby13 0

By the time your wedding ends...and you actually get to the hotel room, you will pass out. Sex might happen the next morning...but def not the night of the wedding.

Yeah, most couples who don't go straight on their honeymoon are too dang tired or drunk to even be bothered to have sex the night off their wedding.

Cinnabar 0

Obviously all you had to do was pretend something about the room was unsatisfactory, and change rooms. Like the view or something. No harm done. Although having obnoxiously loud sex is going to be rude and obvious no matter what room you're in, so the best solution really is to be quiet!

Manny_B92 0

Who cares? I saw do it x2 as loud for them not knowing better... seriously who doesn't have sex the night after their wedding???

Manny_B92 0

Pun intended on the cherry milkshake?