By hitnmiss66 - 28/05/2012 00:31 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I introduced my boyfriend to my parents. My dad turns around and says he was expecting him to have a guide dog. This is why I don't have much confidence in myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 474
You deserved it 2 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really wanted to shock your dad, you should have replied "Nah he doesn't need one. He prefers to wear the collar himself."


_ebbonyy 11

I really hope you're just trolling and that isn't actually your impression of the FML? The joke OP's dad made wasn't implying in any way, shape or form that the boyfriend was disabled or that that'd be a bad thing.

Do you understand this fml? It's not about dating somebody with a disability, it's about the dad saying that only somebody who couldn't see OP wanting to date her.

pinkpixie06 11

That is not the way a father should make his little girl feel! You should feel like one of the most beautiful girls in the world...or at least in his world. :-/

candiixxoo 3

Is Barano for real?? I think you are just as unintelligent as the dad. :)

Your comment would be good, but why didn't you just reply to Barano instead of making an entirely new comment? I had to go back and look for what you were talking about, which took an unnecessary amount of effort, humph... *lays back from the exhaustion caused by all the effort*

mrtjawesome 14

at least hes not one of those overprotective hillbilly dads that wuld chase him out with a shotgun. i think your case is better.

citymayer 7

No. No it is most certainly not better.

Yeah, at least he has nothing against your boyfriend and you can still see him. My parents HATE mine, and there are a lot of those ^ around here.

egc573 40

If this keeps up, I'd recommend not allowing him a speech at your wedding. And if this is really getting to you, you have every right to talk to your father about it. The joke is only funny when you're laughing as well. Otherwise, it is extremely insensitive and mean. I wouldn't be surprised if your boyfriend wasn't a little bit disgusted with such a comment. I know I would be.

I understand. Both my parents say that in order for a guy to date me he'd have to be not only blind but also deaf and dumb. Then they wonder why I'm so paranoid and self defensive. Fyl OP!

peachesncreem 21

Well they made you didn't they? If they ever put you down like that again just be all sarcastic like "yeah, I am YOUR kid after all. I had no chance of turning out decent with parents like you..". That'll teach them to shut up.

unknown_user5566 26

Just tell your dad "What a coincidence- that's what everyone says about mom!"

reddudeover 2

Have you have you TOLD him you don't appreciate his comments? If not then how is he supposed to know? As far as he's concerned they're jokes that have heir intended effect. Have an open an frank discussion about how they're not appreciated. Also no one else can reduce your confidence, that's just an excuse. Sorry to say.

kandi_kid69 15

28- Even if OP has told her father that she didn't appreciate his comments who said he would stop? Some parents do it for ***** and giggles even if it hurts the person they're talking about. To your last remark, it's not an excuse. Other people can reduce your confidence. If you're always being talked down upon then you start believing it and it gets to you. :/

tony1891 22

you have a boyfriend. be confident in yourself. and your father's a douche.