By hitnmiss66 - 28/05/2012 00:31 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I introduced my boyfriend to my parents. My dad turns around and says he was expecting him to have a guide dog. This is why I don't have much confidence in myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 474
You deserved it 2 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really wanted to shock your dad, you should have replied "Nah he doesn't need one. He prefers to wear the collar himself."


emogiggles 0

My dad is the same way and I'm really insecure because of it too :(

bleddyn13 1

Be sure to stick him in a horrible nursing home once the time comes.

Dads just don't realize how hurtful they can be. I had a dad like this. It just makes it a lot easier if you can remember these times so that you can do the complete opposite.

acetheone 8

Couldn't help laughing, sorry OP your life sucks.

taylor317 7

If my parents said that to me if bust out laughing! Unless he really meant it, but he was probably joking. Like my favorite band the wanted says "if people make fun of you it's only cause they think you're a nice person" Hahahaha. But seriously, if he wasn't joking, that's ****** up.

90% of dads joke like that. Get over it.

Mindlessparade 4

If he meant that seriously, then WOW that sucks to be you. Ignore him, that's just mean.

tell your dad to take his head outta his ass and stop being a dick. besides, he probably picks on you cuz he's the one who been beat by the ugly stick...

Tell your dad to stop ripping jokes off from Modern Family.

grace12898 0

That took me a second to get and now I just wanna hug you and flip your dad the bird