By hitnmiss66 - 28/05/2012 00:31 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I introduced my boyfriend to my parents. My dad turns around and says he was expecting him to have a guide dog. This is why I don't have much confidence in myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 474
You deserved it 2 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really wanted to shock your dad, you should have replied "Nah he doesn't need one. He prefers to wear the collar himself."


Tell him you get your good looks from him.

My parents are kind of like that as well. Sigh.

I've learned to just not listen when they say stuff like that though. I have a full-time job and my boyfriend reckons I'm hot, so I really can't complain.

You won't need to mate with your father. (Please don't) Any comment he has towards your appearance is invalid, and should be dismissed.

Hey sweetie, I know exactly how you feel. Growing up I had the same kind of treatment but coming from my mom, my everything. She used to make fun of me when I was chubby and always laughed at the way I walked. She didn't care I was a good child, dedicated in school and nothing else. When I was in high school she believed all kinds of gossip about me and accused me of lying when I tried to deny anything. She never told me she was proud of me even though I was a straight As student, never really went to parties or did any crazy stuff teens do. She was still a great mom and I love her. Right now I'm 21 and looking back I always had someone find me pretty (you have that too, your boyfriend!) and I never really had self steem issues cause even though my mom was like that I always found the mirror to be my best friend. Don't go by what anybody says. Stand in front of that mirror and see how beautiful you are and think that whatever the rest of the world thinks doesn't matter cause the only opinion that matters is your own. Your dad might be a great dad, but parents sometimes don't realize how much what they say can actually hurt their children. Learn from it for when you have your own kids! Good luck :)

CinnamonRugby 5

Should of told him hes not blind bjut nearly deaf, would have been funny to see him yell all through dinner.

perdix 29

Yeah, that sucks, but look on the bright side: if your dad thought you were a hot piece of ass, things could be so much worse. I hope he doesn't drive away your boyfriend. Sometimes guys lose interest in girls they are attracted to if another guy says the are ugly. It's stupid, but it's true.

I would've taken it as a joke, and retaliated myself. But as OP says, not much confidence in herself, so he shouldn't be saing things like that.

Are you serious? Go back,read the FML,then comment