By hitnmiss66 - 28/05/2012 00:31 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I introduced my boyfriend to my parents. My dad turns around and says he was expecting him to have a guide dog. This is why I don't have much confidence in myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 474
You deserved it 2 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really wanted to shock your dad, you should have replied "Nah he doesn't need one. He prefers to wear the collar himself."


Ur dad is a douche bag, you should walk up to him, stick ur middle finger in his face and say **** u pops

Next time tell him I know where I got it from

Special_Psycho 8

Your dad is a total clob-hobbler! I'm sure you look great.

Wow what a dick your dad is! You should tell him that you came from him, and everyone says that you look like him so you are surprised your mom didn't have a guide dog!