By ScarredForLife - 25/12/2009 06:28 - United States

Today, I introduced my family to beerpong. They especially liked the part about distracting each other while shooting. My grandma flashed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 835
You deserved it 11 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though that's totally ****** up you have to admit that he has an awesome grandma.


vinceb5 0

awww!!! if i saw my grandmas **** i'd jump off a cliff

Ricky_rubio121 0

as soon as i read this i got a quick sharp pain in my head. like a headache in one small part of my brain for bout 10 secs and hurt way more than a headache. im so srry.....

Haha beer pong with the family? Classic. And gross. Why would she flash.. family? Like, really. That's abuse. :P

Haha. Youch. Not even booze can erase that kind of scarring. xD

i don't think grandma needs to be playing beer pong in the first place.

so...Today, my aunts dedided to play around with a little boy that breast fed for a long time they we asking him where peoples boobs wer so they asked him to find mine if it does no make it wors my mom that sais there is no issue with it and flashes me and the little boy