By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 18:01 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to my parents. After she left, they told me they disapprove of her because of her supposedly lower social class. Now I have to either dump her or lose the money they set aside to pay for my university tuition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 665
You deserved it 3 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep her. Pay for your own college. Earn your big boy pants. [and get laid!]

RebekahBrooke 9


My brother's boyfriend had the same issue. His boyfriend's mother refused to beleive her son was gay and said if he didn't dump my brother she would stop paying for his college tuition. He quickly finished the schooling while keeping his relationship secret, and as soon as he was done with college they opened up their relationship again.

I'd pick the girl whether you think the relationship will last or not just to give your parents the finger. I wouldn't want money from classist assholes like that; it's dirty money. Just major in something you know you can make money with - IT, something medical, etc. - and you'll pay back your loans quickly enough.

emifasho 1

I smell a Nicholas sparks novel

Break up with her, get the money, get the degree, get a high paying job, get her back, give her a good life she deserves from you.

Dump her 100%. University is so much more important and chances are very slim that you won't end up breaking up anyways.

to put it bluntly, screw them. If you love her and want to spend the rest of your life with her then nothing else should matter to you. And as for your parents, this is just the first step in them controlling the rest of your life. Break the mold now while you still can.

blackvyper 8

Live your life or live the life your parents tell you to, but remember.. you only have one life to live.

That's pathetic behavior by your parents!

Your parents are "lower class" minded with "upper class" other words...stuck up tools (@$$h0L3$). Try to keep the girlfriend (if she's a good CAN'T buy everything) & tell her what your parents have threatened you with, then both of you just keep your relationship on the down low until you've graduated & later you can tell your parents where to stick it where the sun doesn't shine, if they are still going to be jerks.

puplintain 4

Maybe you should just murder yer parents. Get all the $$$$. Since that's all yer about!