By BirthdayBoy - 25/09/2009 14:54 - United States
Same thing different taste
By TheAngryBird - 28/06/2012 04:51 - Canada - Grimsby
By SURPRISE - 10/06/2009 00:13 - Canada
By salt. - 28/02/2012 22:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/10/2010 16:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/08/2012 17:15 - United States - Chagrin Falls
By Mazzam - 19/11/2008 11:33 - France
By holla1787 - 04/12/2009 03:11 - United States
By Nick - 08/07/2011 05:19 - United States
By tkdbb11790 - 20/11/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 21:11 - United States
Top comments
Who says he doesn't respect her decision? He's just acknowledging that this negatively effects him.
Not all relationships need to rely on sex or need it to make them special, but generally engenders a sense of more commitment in many relationships (this isn't direct toward the OP as much as certain commentators). Likewise a person who is loyal and has strong principles can commit a lot without it. However similarly with things that can be meaningful, using it lightly removes its overall meaning which is much more common today and it becomes closer to its base importance: instinctual fulfillment endulging on animalistic urges (i.e. it feels damn good) and having children. I am not speaking for or against sex in relationships. It is both parties choice as well though requiring the use of a person's own body as it belongs solely to them, but can be a factor in choosing a relationship. One of the important end result of marriage is having and raising kids who you commit to as a team in an attempt to improve their psyche as well as ability to likewise have children in a stable environment.
*Giggle* You sure about that? If so, I'm jealous.
I'm on the side of the OP. If he and his girlfriend had been dating for 6 months or less, I'd be saying he's with her just for sex. But as he said they have been together for 2 years now and it is strongly implied that they've had sex before, I'm sure it would come as a shock. I was in a relationship like that; one of my ex-girlfriends had lost her virginity and kept up a sexual relationship with her ex-boyfriend while in college. After she and I started dating (1 year after), we started to become more intimate, but she backed off, stating that she wanted to wait till we got married. Even though that wasn't what I wanted, I understood. However, a couple of years after I broke up with her (for completely different reasons), I learned (from her) that she had had sex with him. She didn't feel comfortable having sex with me 'cause we weren't married, but yet, she gave it up to him after he begged her too. I do believe that she is cheating on him with someone else and that he should find another woman.
First off, I'd like to apologize for the selfishness of my gender. For some reason, a large majority of us (not saying all) make decisions without consulting the significant other. Unfortunately, you're dating one of these girls. She should have given you the heads up first. You're not a dick for being angry about this. Intimacy is just as important in a relationship as everything else. If she's suddenly, out of the blue, denying you that intimacy then you have every right to leave her. She can find someone else that is comfortable with the decision she made. Find a partner that will actually COMMUNICATE things with you.
Dude, being chaste doesn't mean you can't have sex. It means you can have sex without being married to the person. If your relationship is pretty serious and you want to get married somewhere down the road then it's okay. You'll just have to wait.
Here is the definition of chaste: chaste [chayst] (comparative chast·er, superlative chast·est) adj 1. abstaining from sex: abstaining from sex on moral grounds 2. sexually faithful: not having extramarital sexual relations 3. pure in thought and deed: behaving in a pure way, with no immoral thoughts 4. plain: plain, simple, and unadorned in style It's more of the first meaning, not the second one, so I still believe the OP is in the right for being upset.
What a great idea for a christmas present for my boyfriend! Sigh, if only I actually could, I hate sex so much :'-(
Uh, yeah, no kidding... Don't do something you hate. What's up with that...?
#113 Then don't have sex . Seriously, if I was the OP and the chick did it for religious reasons I'd just dump her. But if I had a girlfriend who just plain hated having sex I wouldn't mind not doing it.
@#168, I totally agree! If the OP's girlfriend has radically different religious beliefs from those of the OP, perhaps they're simply not a match. To the rest of you: here's an analogy: It would be difficult for a vegetarian and a non-vegetarian to get married and live together, because the vegetarian refuses to eat meat, the non-vegetarian might not want to give up meat, and cooking separate meals would waste a lot of time and energy. I certainly (as one who really enjoys meat) would never attempt such a thing - that is, if I suddenly found out that I had been dating a vegetarian for two years, I would break up with her, and probably complain about it to my friends. Wouldn't it be silly if they were to scream at me, "You are a total ******* for not supporting her decision!" Why is sex such a contentious issue? It's not so different from eating meat in this regard: it's enjoyable to most people, and an important part of the lifestyles of such people, but one can live without it. Think about this carefully.
#171 You'd rather break up with someone then just make yourself a steak or something? And it wasn't about "not being a match" , I just wouldn't give up sex for something as ridiculous as religion. #173 I'm just curious, why do you hate sex? Is he bad? Does it hurt? What?
@#174: Fine, maybe the example was a bit silly, and maybe I wouldn't actually do that. The point stands -- I hardly think it would warrant calling me nasty names. As for religion... I agree with you again, but I try not to actually _say_ things like that because it makes the argument inaccessible to some religious people.
It sounds like something is seriously wrong with your relationship. I'm no Dr. Drew or nothing, but you really should find the root of this problem? Does he have a 6" wide penis? Were you abused as a child? Seek out some professional assisstance, or break up with him and find someone more compatible.
"It sounds like something is seriously wrong with your relationship." NOt wrong, just not normal "Does he have a 6" wide penis? Were you abused as a child? " Or does she just not like sex, period. Sure, it doesn't make much biological sense, but, niether does the way I never want children. "Seek out some professional assisstance, or break up with him and find someone more compatible." Why, they seem to be just fine in the situation they're in. Definitely not worth breaking up over.
@174: It does hurt some, and it's just not enjoyable at all... extremely uncomfortable... and though I haven't had any other partners besides him, he's had plenty and supposedly none of them have complained. @191: Not quite 6" wide, but he is rather big and I am rather small.... I wasn't abused or molested or anything like that so far as I know of, and seeing as sex is the only thing we're not compatible in, we're still working it out.
If it's not enjoyable, then don't do it. Just because nobody else has complained doesn't mean you're wrong. Get some lubricant if necessary. He should care if it's so uncomfortable for you. I would think there is definitely an issue if he wants to keep having sex knowing you're not happy about it. It's indicating there may be more to this than you think; he could be using you, he could be a fake, etc. If you are small to his large, you run the risk of tearing your ******, you know.
What's so great about him that you can't risk losing? Is he rich? I'm just saying, there's no shortage of dudes on this planet. If you aren't being satisfied, its often your bodies way of telling you something is wrong. Especially since you haven't had any other partners. When my girlfriend tells me she didn't enjoy a certain part of sex, i go out of my way to try differently to please her. If she told me no matter what I did, she didn't enjoy it, I'd certainly consider setting her free to find someone that can do it for her. Eventually she would find that other person anyway, the question is how long you'll suffer a poor sex life until then.
You seem to think it's absolutely impossible that she just doesn't enjoy sex, period, with anyone. To me, she doesn't sound like she's not being satisfied. It sounds like she doesn't have an urge to satisfy at all. You, setting her free? If she's willing to break up with you to satisfy herself there's nothing wrong with that, but she should do it herself. Not have you break up with her.
If it's uncomfortable, it means something's most likely wrong. Yes it could be possible she just has no sex drive, but I'd still check into why it's uncomfortable, and I would certainly stop if it is so uncomfortable that it's hateable.
I think it would've been obvious if she had a desire for sex by now . And I think we've all agreed that she should stop having sex with him if she hates it so much.
But since he's her first, all she's known is uncomfortability, so of course she doesn't have a desire for sex. She should see why it's so uncomfortable, regardless of whether she wants sex or not, though.
@201: No, I'm not a gold digger, I just... love him, and I don't want to lose him. And while there may be plenty of fish in sea, that doesn't mean I know how to fish. Frankly it's miraculous that I'm going out with him at all. I'm extremely anti-social and only have one friend besides him. @205, 206, 207 & 209: I do have a sex drive, it's just very small. But like I said before, I'm still planning on having sex with him occasionally, even if it is painful, because I'd rather deal with that physical pain than the emotional pain of being forced to break up with him.
Dude, don't do that. Seriously, break up with him if he'd rather break up with you than give up sex. Although I do imagine even with a small sex drive you'd want to have sex once in a blue moon :| . Don't have sex if you don't want to, unless by "occasionally" you mean like 3 times year :|.
She probably just means she's taking a vow of chastity WITH YOU. When a chick tells you she won't have sex with you anymore, it usually does not mean she is giving it up altogether. She wants to see if you'll put up with it. She looks at it this way: she either doesn't have sex with you and you keep buying her stuff, or she doesn't have sex with you and you don't keep buying her stuff. Either way, she gets what she wants (no sex with you... but probably sex with other guys) and she might still get you to buy her stuff. Let her play you if that's what you want.
She has an absolute right to do what she wants with her own body. You have a right to a healthy relationship. Run, don't walk away.
No Birthday sex? Aww buddy I feel so bad for you. Excuse me while I go have sex with my girlfriend.
I bet the Afro is involved in some kinky games, right?