By BirthdayBoy - 25/09/2009 14:54 - United States

Today, I invited over my girlfriend of two years to spend my birthday night with her. Instead of a conventional wrapped birthday present, she gave me the news that she has taken a vow of chastity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 956
You deserved it 7 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poke_my_mon 0

No Birthday sex? Aww buddy I feel so bad for you. Excuse me while I go have sex with my girlfriend.

I bet the Afro is involved in some kinky games, right?


tony8pie 0

You must be REALLY bad in bed to drive a woman to celibacy!

Shadow_Phantom 26

You reply by saying "ok then i'll go elsewhere for my needs" give here the choice of putting out or you tapping other girls. If she says that is insensitive or whatever then you put it on her that she took a vow of chastity without discussing it with you first and allowing you to establishing your wants and needs.

I don't see why this is an FML. If you really loved the girl you would understand. That, or you're just a plain fucktard.

ProtoBuster_1 5

How is the OP being a fucktard? Even if he really did love her, it would still come as a shock.

although I have a few questions about her decision if it's a real out of the blue surprise or kinda expected like 1. Is she real religious or recently become "born again"? 2. When having sex was she in for it most of the time or real reluctant to have it threw out your relationship? 3. Did she enjoy it or did she always seem upset after you have sex like she felt "bad: or "dirty" If she has always been weird about sex it shouldn't be a surprise but if she never shown any major reluctance about sex in the past then I would be suspicious

Ouch. Tough deal bro. Ask her to make an exception for your birthday.

foobarbaz 0

Dump her. Seriously. It's 2009.

chanel_bbygirl 0

haha that's ******* great!! i'm pregnant and my bf was like uhm we arent having sex for awhile after this we dont need anymore kids anytime soon. but i mean shit tell her a ******** isnt sex.lmfao