By Username - 06/06/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I just bought a car with all of my own money. Then, when I brought it home my dad informed me that my mom will be driving it to work every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 723
You deserved it 4 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redmnky21 8

you tell your dad no she wont... its your car u bought it with ur money... unless she's going to make the insurance payments on it for u and full cover it so if she wrecks it she replaces it

Midnite_2raw 5

If you want to get even report it stolen.


catkat1988 17

Again, I'm surprised by the number of parents on FML who somehow either neglect or abuse their children. Your money, your car, you are driving it, your mom gets to borrow it whenever you say she can. Not your dad's decision to make. What would happen if you simply told him that? (I assume you're over the age of 18, so technically he doesn't get to decide anything for you, unless you're depending on him economically).

SteelCladAngel 0

this isn't neglect or's just parents being assholes.

daysgoby902 6

shut up. his family, his life.

Dreamkiller51 5

well op is a momas boy because he doesn't do anything about it!

Ask her to help pay for gas and stuff like that. It only seems fair.

aerosmith3312 2

Even if she pay for gas and insurance the OP is still going to be without a car whenever she drives it

fatalkiss 0

I'd be like, "Yeah?"

giantsfan2010 23

Impressive Op, you can afford a car but your parents cannot. Now stand up for yourself because you deserve to drive it, not your parents.

you can get used cars pretty cheap now a days, but still I get your point

giantsfan2010 23

Yeah thats true, but most of the cheap ones have lots of problems with them.

If you bought it with your own money, aren't you entitled to say who drives it?

victor69er 0

you look like selena gomez, sexy as hell (:

thats f'd! if your over 18 tell him no she won't. if your under 18 sorry about your luck you can't register it in your name depending on the state you're in.

Shouldn't have bought a brand new car. Should gave bought a used car and use the money you saved to MOVE OUT!

Op said "a car" not a brand new one. Getting a car is normally the first step toward moving out. Sounds to me like Op is working on that.

also a car is cheaper than moving out..

Also, if op moved out and DIDN'T have a car, then he would have no way to get anywhere

there is something called a BIKE or maybe OP could ******* walk? Idk just an idea.

you can't walk everywhere, especially when your going to be looking at different places preferably miles away from your parents

by new car I don't think they mean brand spanking new of the show room floor it's prob used but point is NO MUM WON'T BE DRIVING MY CAR TO WORK EVERYDAY DAD! that is what you said back isn't it OP? cause if you didn't u deserve to be treated like u are! stand up grow a set of balls n tell ya dad where he can get off!

OP didn't even say 'new car' the word 'new' didn't even appear in the FML at all

cindayy77 0

tell him that you bought it with your own money, so no she won't

giantsfan2010 23

Learn to drive a manual, maybe your parents won't know how, and you will be the only one to drive it.