By Anonymous - 18/07/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I just found out that my current boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend are rooming together at college. Visits are going to be extremely awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 505
You deserved it 6 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL, small world, huh? You may run into other exes who live on the same floor as them. :) Just think, if your boyfriend pisses you off, you could cheat on him with your ex without having to leave the room.

i was with my girlfriend at disneyland, and i bumped into an ex gf of mine who i hadnt seen in a few years. it really is a small world after all.


Lol i'm sorry for that but its hilarious that it happened. But yeah, could be worse.

Sounds like you have an opportunity to get well-******. Take it and run with it, it's not like your relationship with the current guy is going to last too long anyway.

Not necessarily a bad thing, if a possibility of 3P was considered. : p

You're CANADIAN. If you were European or something I'd understand you feeling the right to be an asshole a little bit, but come on. You guys are like the butt of every joke ever.

Sadae 0

Not all Americans deserve bad things. I'm American & I'm proud to be one.

alice_hmph 0

Ha ha, I live in Vermont and all we do is make fun of Canadians and drink maple syrup while tipping cows. I tell you, it's the life of the gods. :D

Extremely awkward situation or extremely sexy situation?

Wow. That's like something out of a really shitty sitcom. Weird.

Number 70 , don't be a dick and racist towards Americans , theres no need for it , and theres no point having racism on this site is there? I hope not cause that would just suck

3-way!!! hell yeah, you got something for the front and the rear

it might be awkward but I hardly think it's a "fml". ....unless your ex knows something that you're hiding from your current boyfriend .... O.o

hmmm if this were an fml i might care, but its a who-gives-a-****... seriously? your already bitching about a problem you might have next year? big ******* deal. so youve ****** both people living in the room, i have no sympathy. but your current boyfriend seems like a bad friend for dating his good friends ex, and you should have the sense not to date your ex's friends

wow. that was TOTALLY necessary and worth typing.