By Anonymous - 18/07/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I just found out that my current boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend are rooming together at college. Visits are going to be extremely awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 505
You deserved it 6 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL, small world, huh? You may run into other exes who live on the same floor as them. :) Just think, if your boyfriend pisses you off, you could cheat on him with your ex without having to leave the room.

i was with my girlfriend at disneyland, and i bumped into an ex gf of mine who i hadnt seen in a few years. it really is a small world after all.


ashmash 0

How the hell did that happen? They must have known each other, be friends/aquintances who requested each other or you all went to the same high school. Well, FYL if your current bf hears negative stuff from your ex and decides to break up with you.

Or they were randomly assigned to the same room.

Ooh. I think you might think of another fml that is soon to follow...

YDI for going out with your ex-boyfriend's friend.

1) they're roomates-it doesn't say anywhere that they're friends 2) she didn't know they were gonna be roomates

Who cares if the op dates two guys that are friends (not at the same time)? I really liked this one guy but dated his best friend a few years later and when i saw the first guy again it was not weird at all... I even tried to set him up with my best friend so that we could all hang out together! Don't be a jackass, because there is no reason not to date a group of friends (not at the same time).

Look on the bright side - after they spend enough time bitching about you to each other, they'll BOTH be your ex. Problem solved.


Honestly, if it is NOT a coincidence, then they are probably really good friends and at least they are man enough to not let a stupid girl ruin their friendship by dating both of them. FMLs always leave something out so that it seems like there is absolutely NO blame to put on the OP. I put both FYL and YDI...because it is possible that it is just a coincidence.

I don't know why, the rules of etiquette in this situation are quite clear. The current boyfriend ***** you first, and the ex gets sloppy seconds. If you want double penetration, the ex has to go anal. It is a breach of etiquette for the men to fellate each other in your presence -- they have plenty of alone time to do that. Now that I've helped clear that up for you, you can relax and have fun.

Haha nice...and this is why I like being friends with guys, everything is simple with them.

Yes. The option is the current boyfriend's if he is in the National League, but he has to go vaginal if he is in the American League. ;)

I doubt it's a coicindence since most colleges give incoming freshmen "matching questions" for roomates. They're probably somewhat similar, which is why you liked them. If you don't like your ex anymore, have crazy loud sex whenever you go over there.

insert_name 0

i marked both down, if it was random chance they got put in a room together, then FYL, but if they chose to be roommates then YDI for dating 2 guys that were friends