By Anonymous - 18/07/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I just found out that my current boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend are rooming together at college. Visits are going to be extremely awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 505
You deserved it 6 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL, small world, huh? You may run into other exes who live on the same floor as them. :) Just think, if your boyfriend pisses you off, you could cheat on him with your ex without having to leave the room.

i was with my girlfriend at disneyland, and i bumped into an ex gf of mine who i hadnt seen in a few years. it really is a small world after all.


NickK49 0

first of all, 82 you look amazing. second of all... threesome?

heddurhowza 1

I give you both on this one. It sucks that they're coincidentally rommies but YDI for dating two guys that go to the sane college, there's always that chance

ParkersGirl 0

hahaha I agree with #1. If Your current boyfriend pisses you off just brag about how your ex was great in bed. That'll show 'em!

shannielipper 4

Lol o goodness that's horrible !

blink_kid 32

Not if they kill each other first! :D

no no no, you dont cheat, you dont brag about the other one in bed, when your fighting just say hi to him in a cute way as your leaving.. it will drive him absolutely insane! lmao

Or a lot of fun, if you enjoy making other people feel awkward. Its all about perspective! And the right attitude

Lol I once went upstairs to my room and my brother had five of the neighborhood guys over. All of them were ex's lol