By Anonymous - 18/07/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I just found out that my current boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend are rooming together at college. Visits are going to be extremely awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 505
You deserved it 6 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL, small world, huh? You may run into other exes who live on the same floor as them. :) Just think, if your boyfriend pisses you off, you could cheat on him with your ex without having to leave the room.

i was with my girlfriend at disneyland, and i bumped into an ex gf of mine who i hadnt seen in a few years. it really is a small world after all.


same thing happened. it seems like an awkward situation. but it wasnt too bad.

melzilla 0

hahahah oh man thats gonna suck maybe you should put up a curtain

FurrTrap 0
FreakingKatie 0

Now that sucks. You'll know someone's gonna be jealous.

this isn't necessarily an fml. you don't HAVE to go into his room. he can come to yours or you can meet in a neutral site. you don't have to have sex everytime you see him. you shouldn't have sex to begin with until you're married.

OR they're going to end up gay together, like all the other bloody FMLs.

Way to force a belief on somebody. Don't tell people what they "SHOULD" do. Sex after marriage only is a pretty flawed concept.