By ewicsmelly - 29/12/2010 02:13 - United States

Today, I kept finding ants crawling all over my face. After a while, I realized that they were all coming from my beard. I have had a population of ants living in my beard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 757
You deserved it 56 779

Same thing different taste


BahahahLOL 0


lil_lala209 5

ever heard of proper hygiene? how filthy did you have to be to have pests living in your beard? that says a lot about your living conditions.... YDI for living like a hobo

Sounds like good ol' head lice to me. Use the special shampoo or shave it off.

it's funny because you never wash your beard

lsmith1400 0

You must not live in the midwest or the ants wouldn't bother you due to the cold. So either you've had an ant farm since fall or you never shower. Gross

You just go on telling yourself those pubic lice are "ants", Crabbeard...

Thanks for sharing "ewismelly" This has got to be a fake post for a rise....

stewpididiot 11

you're lucky they're not Dung Beetles, Shit for brains !!