By bouda - 15/05/2011 18:19 - France

Today, I killed a pigeon. It choked to death on a piece of bread I threw its way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 7 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anakaren_831 1

poor pigeon. **** the pigeon's life.


it kind of is your fault cuz u probably didnt hear about an idea called breaking bread into pieces before risking a poor bird's life...

WOW what a waste of a piece of bread

seb_fml 4

At least you didn't choke a chicken. On second thought - do that next time. I just wanna see the resulting myriad of comments.

I'm sorry, but that's hysterical. F the bird's ( no longer living) life

Bon appetit, OP!!! No, seriously, that's the first thing i saw when i looked at the home page. lmao

nmearayta 0

one less poop stain to clean off ur car. one more year of therapy to get this murder off ur chest.

lol32360 0

Is it terrible that I visualized this scene?.. and laughed?