By obsessed - 27/11/2009 05:12 - United States

Today, I kissed my iced over window to know what kissing Edward Cullen would be like. My neighbor saw. My first reaction was to come up with a cover story. I licked the window and wiped my sleeve over it to look like I was cleaning it. My neighbor came over later and gave me an early Christmas gift. Windex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 244
You deserved it 89 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some people just need to be punched in the face. you are among them.


pattheaninal 9

Kiss a baboons should be the same as Edward's. YDI for overfantasizing over a fictional character. I was hoping Edward would die in the first two minutes of New Moon. Why can't all good things happen in this world!?!

You're doing it wrong, the window has to be SPARKLY! SPARKLY!!!!!

Oh dear. Get a life before saying it's f**ked. Thank you.

pattheaninal 9

I agree, you deserved it. Seriously, why kiss a window? This proves you have the smallest ratio of getting a boyfriend. I'm glad your not at my school.

sharon_ellj 0

What's next, sprinkling your boyfriend with glue?