By bruised - 11/04/2016 07:26 - United States - Novi

Today, I lay in bed reflecting on my fiancé's complaint about my lack of displays of affection. I felt terrible, so I rolled over and hugged him in his sleep. He's a fully trained martial artist and his immediate reaction was to try to snap my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 807
You deserved it 3 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

Judont want to startle the guy apparently.

Don't be surprised, no affection so he probably didn't expect that it was you


I once woke up to my boyfriend holding me in a chokehold- it was gentle, but he certainly wasn't letting go until I woke him up :P. He thinks his sleep-self was probably trying to cuddle me.

ya I'm not sure hugging him when he sleeping as a way to improve your affection is that good of an idea

MasterTron 24

No no what happened really was you just happened to hug him at the time he was acting out his dream version of everybody was Kung Fu fighting

peacheson 3

Today I used to hack my GF's MMS messages. While going through her pictures I found some dicks and noticed it was my dad she was texting. FML

If he's not getting enough affection at this early stage then it is NOT gonna work very well. This is when you're all hot for each other. F his life for sure.

thenetflox 4

Smh guys always will read the "lack of affection " part and skip over the "snap my neck" part. If this is how he reacts in his sleep I wouldn't want to be near him either. I just hope this doesn't happen often for OP that'd suck

hoosiergirl94 31

that reminds of the story of someone was about to measure his gf's neck perimeter with a rope so as to buy her a necklace... when she woke up suddenly...

I guess that explains your fear of showing affections by cuddling him.