By rj93 - 05/11/2011 13:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I learned if you dream you're having a piss, you most likely are having a piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 376
You deserved it 5 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that this has happened to everyone once in their life.

it doesn't work that way when you dream about having sex :(


If you piss in your dreams.....YOU PISS IN REAL LIFE!!!!!

Happens to me all the time.... No big deal.

sacredeye73 11

Yikes! Been there, done that.

I dreamt of having sex once I woke up covered in ****, can you jack off in your sleep?

zebralover23 14

It happens, go to the bathroom before you go to bed, it might help..

been there, done that. more than once :'(

I had a dream I was peeing and woke up with **** in my pants. not pee